Kaynakça Tarihine Türklerin 2 Büyük Katkısı
Dünyanın 2 en büyük kaynakçası Türkler sayesinde
15 bin yayın içeren ünlü kaynakçacı Conrad Gesner’i bu dev
kaynakçasını hazırlamaya sevk eden motivasyon;
"Bibliotheca'nın geliştirilmesindeki en
büyük motivasyonlardan biri, Türklerin 1527'de Buda kentindeki saldırı
sırasında Matías Corvino Kütüphanesini yakıp yağmaladığında Gesner'in büyük
endişe duymasıdır." https://www.ergon-verlag.de/isko_ko/downloads/aiko_vol_15_2016_07_araujo_sabba_crippa.pdf
Fakat yukarıdaki açıklamayla çelişen bir kaynak da
““Bibliotheca Corviniana, 1458-1490 yılları
arasında Macaristan Kralı Matthias Corvinus tarafından Buda Kalesi'nde kurulan
Rönesans dünyasının en ünlü kütüphanelerinden biriydi. Kitaplar, Macarların
Mohaç Savaşı'nda Osmanlılara yenilmesinin ardından İstanbul'a nakledildi. 1526'da.".
“Gesner also published Bibliotheca Universalis (1545-1555)
in four volumes, a bibliography intended to include all known literature,
comprising approximately three thousand authors and ten thousand titles. The
intention was to compile a complete list of works in Latin, Greek, and Hebrew
"extant or not, ancient and more recent down to the present day, learned
and not, published and hiding in libraries." There was a sense that this
knowledge might be lost to posterity, especially when Buda in Hungary was
sacked by the Ottoman Turks in 1526 and the fabled library of Matthias Corvinus
("The Raven King"), who had reigned from 1458 to 1490, was dispersed.
(The manuscript of Heliodorus' Aethiopica, the earliest Greek romance,
survived.)”. https://penelope.uchicago.edu/~grout/encyclopaedia_romana/aconite/gesner.html
“One of the major motivations for the development of
Bibliotheca is the fact that Gesner felt great concern when the Turks burned
and looted, in 1527, the Library of Matías Corvino, during the attack in the
city of Buda. This event would have exerted influence on Gesner who decided to
do later work in order to safeguard the testimony of thought, in the case of
the disappearance of books (Malclès, 1960).
In this sense, the memorial aspect of Bibliotheca is to be
noted as Gesner attains the materialization of a broad and representative
bibliographical universe in a knowledge map. His interest is also in
bibliographical mediations between Bibliotheca and a community of scholars
concerned with the quality of their sources of study.”. https://www.ergon-verlag.de/isko_ko/downloads/aiko_vol_15_2016_07_araujo_sabba_crippa.pdf
“Bibliotheca (1545)
The Swiss scholar Conrad Gessner started to compile his
extensive work on Bibliotheca universalis[2] at the age of 25. He first visited
as many of the Italian and German libraries as he could find. His motivation
was partly a fear of the loss of precious manuscripts, such as the destruction of
the library at Buda, by the Turks in 1526.[3] He described the project in its
title, as involving works "extant and not, ancient and more recent down to
the present day, learned and not, published and hiding in libraries".[4]
He published the completed work in 1545 in Zurich, after some four years of
research. At the time, he wrote "In truth I rejoice and thank God because
I have finally gotten out of the labyrinth in which I was trapped for almost
three years".[5][6] It included his own bio-bibliography.[7] Bibliotheca
universalis was the first modern bibliography of importance published since the
invention of printing,[5] and through it, Gessner became known as the
"father of bibliography."[6]”. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bibliotheca_universalis
“Bibliotheca Corviniana was one of the most renowned
libraries of the Renaissance world, established by Matthias Corvinus, King of
Hungary, in Buda Castle between 1458 and 1490. The books were transferred to
Istanbul after the Hungarian defeat by the Ottomans in the Battle of Mohács in
1526.”. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bibliotheca_Corviniana
“Antalffy, kütüphanedeki en önemli koleksiyonlardan birinin,
Avrupa'da ilk Rönesans kralı olarak bilinen ve 1458-1490 yılları arasında
Macaristan kralı olan Matyas Corvinus'un el yazması eserlerinden oluşan Corvina
Kitaplığı koleksiyonu (Bibliotheca Corviniana) olduğunu anlattı.
Kral Corvinus'un kütüphanesinde 3 binden fazla kitap
bulunduğuna, Avrupa'da o dönemde sadece Papa'nın kütüphanesinde daha fazla
kitap olduğuna işaret eden Antalffy, Corvina Kitaplığından sadece 212 kitabın
günümüze kadar ulaştığını, bunların ise ABD, İtalya, İspanya, Almanya,
İngiltere başta olmak üzere birçok ülkede dağınık şekilde bulunduğunu dile
Osmanlı İmparatorluğu'nun Macaristan'a hükmettiği dönemde
bazı eserlerin İstanbul'a götürüldüğünü anımsatan Antalffy, 1896'da
dönemin Osmanlı Sultanı'nın jest yaparak Topkapı Sarayı'nda bulunan ve Corvina
Kitaplığından çok güzel bir koleksiyonu kuruluşunun 1000. yıl dönümü
dolayısıyla Macaristan'a hediye ettiğini söyledi.”. https://www.aa.com.tr/tr/dunya/buda-kalesinin-kultur-hazinesi-szechenyi-kutuphanesi/1103481
KATİP ÇELEBİ (1609-1657)
İstanbul Fatihli Katip Çelebi “Keşf el Zünun” adlı 15 bin
islami eseri içeren yazma formundaki kaynakçası Conrad Gesner’de ileridir;
Çünkü bu 15 bin eserden önemli bir kısmı hakkında değerlendirme metinleri
kaleme almıştır.
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