2 Nisan 2014 Çarşamba


Ülkemizde kütüphaneler (sadece) 'kitap okuma mekanları' olarak biliniyor.
Günümüzde kütüphanelerde bu ana fonksiyon dışında birçok imkan sunuluyor.
Yerli yayınlarımızda bunların listesini içeren (ve/veya "Günümüzde Kütüphanelerde Sunulan İmkanlar" konulu) bir dokümana (makale, kitapçık vs.) şimdilik rastlayamadım. Bunun için aşağıdaki aramaları yaptım.
Bu imkanları bilmeyen milyonlarca insanımızın bunları fark etmesi için yapılması gerekenlerden birisi de, Kütüphanelerin sunduğu imkanları madde madde listeleyen ve açıklayan broşürler, kitapçıklar hazırlanıp yayınlanmasıdır.

Bu genel kitapçık yanında kütüphaneler de kullanıcılara sundukları ana hizmet olan kitaplardan yararlandırma yanında diğer tüm hizmetleri (imkanları) açıklayıcı bilgilere web sitelerinde yer vermelidirler. (Basılacak broşürlerinde de bu bilgiler yer almalıdır). (İstanbul'da kurulu Orhan Kemal İl Halk Kütüphanesi'nin güncel broşüründe tek sayfada "Kütüphanede Neler Yapabilirim?" başlığı var. Burada renkli fotoğrafla desteklenmiş olarak 5 imkan başlık olarak belirtilmiş. (Kaç kütüphanemizin bu şekilde, imkanları açıklayan broşürü var?)

Kütüphanelerin sunduğu imkanların başlıkları için küçük bir taslak:

Okuma (kitap, dergi, gazete vs.)
Ödünç alma (Kitap)
Kullanma (Online veri tabanları…)
Dinleme (Müzik, hikaye, masal vs.)
Etkinliklere katılma (konferanslar, paneller, söyleşiler, sempozyumlar, seminer ve çalıştaylar... Okurları yazarları ile bir araya getiren imza günleri ile söyleşi saatleri...)
Gezme (Sergileri inceleme)



 21.YÜZYILDA HALK KÜTÜPHANELERİ: YARATICI KÜTÜPHANE HİZMETLERİ.  Y.Doç.Dr.Mesut Yalvaç* http://neu.edu.tr/docs/byam/byam_(170).pdf

Yaratıcı Halk Kütüphanesi Hizmetleri: Örnekler. http://yunus.hacettepe.edu.tr/~byilmaz/byilmaz/yaraticihalkkuthiz.doc

BAYTER, Mustafa, (2012) “Halk Kütüphanelerinde Yaratıcı Bilgi Hizmetleri” 2. Halk Kütüphaneciliği  Sempozyumu: Değişen Dünyada Halk Kütüphaneleri (09-12 Mayıs 2012 Bodrum) Bildiriler,  Posterler ve Çalıştay Raporları, ed. Bülent Yılmaz, Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı, Ankara. 

Nilüfer’de kütüphaneler yaşayan yerlerdir… Bursa: Nilüfer Belediyesi, [2014?].  46s.


creative library services 

[500 farklı örnek]
CREATIVE EVENT IN MY LIBRARY . SUMMARY MATERIAL OF BEST EXAMPLES . N E T - S A F E L A T V I A S A F E R I N T E R N E T C E N T R E http://www.drossinternets.lv/upload/materiali/bukleti/creative_event_material_net-safe_latvia.pdf

100 free things to do at Scituate Town Library!

Childhood Socialization: Its Effect on Adult Library Use and Adult Reading. Powell, Ronald R.; And Others . Library Quarterly, v54 n3 p245-64 Jul 1984

How do public libraries function as meeting places?

100 free things to do at the Library

Document Actions
1.     Download ebooks and audiobooks anywhere you are.
2.     Use the WiFi or one of the public computers.
3.     Reserve and enjoy books, CDs, DVDs and BluRays.
4.     Feel good that you reused and recycled. (see #3)
5.     Search the 1.5 million items in the online catalog.
6.     Have items delivered to you if you’re homebound.
7.     Renew items online, by phone, or in person.
8.     Charge your electric car at the Main Library
9.     Enjoy an International Storytime.
10. Use reliable, kid-friendly resources to do homework.
11. Text a question and get an answer in minutes.
12. Learn languages fast with interactive, online courses.
13. Get help from the ultimate search engine–a librarian.
14. Borrow a Cultural Pass to visit a local museum for free.
15. Borrow a Kill-A-Watt monitor and save on electric bills.
16. Bring the family to a puppet show, movie, or magician.
17. Bring your infant to Book Babies and meet other parents.
18. Reserve a meeting room for your nonprofit group.
19. Take a GED, ASVAB, SAT or civil service practice test.
20. Look up how much that Roy Rogers lunch box is worth.
21. Attend an interesting lecture or creative workshop.
22. Read the Argus as far back as 1894.
23. Check your investments or trace your family tree.
24. Borrow a potty training kit to share with your child.
25. Pick up recommended readings lists for kids of all ages.
26. Test-drive e-readers and see an iPad demo.
27. Read the newest bestsellers and magazines.
28. Create a resume and apply for jobs online.
29. Learn about upcoming community and cultural events.
30. Shape up with an exercise video.
31. Find a list of local childcare providers.
32. Read the latest medical research reports online.
33. Play board and Wii games after-school.
34. Learn to identify the birds in your backyard.
35. Study in a quiet place.
36. Wiggle and giggle with your child at Toddler Time.
37. Use Library resources to start a small business.
38. Find out about local community organizations.
39. Consult consumer guides to help decide which insurance, tablet computer, car, or washing machine to buy.
40. Pick up the Parks & Recreation Activities Guide.
41. Get detailed specs, diagrams, and manuals for more than 34,000 vehicles.
42. Learn how to help your child gain early literacy skills.
43. Receive reading recommendations via RSS/email.
44. Learn creative ways you can interest your toddler in books.
45. Practice your English and/or Spanish in a bilingual conversation group.
46. Update your Facebook page.
47. Check out books in large print for easier reading.
48. Try a new craft or join a writer’s group.
49. Check out your favorite graphic novel.
50. Watch your beginning reader develop skills and confidence in the Read to the Dogs program.
51. Learn how to navigate the Internet.
52. Get materials 7 days a week, after work, and on weekends.
53. Hear a poetry reading.
54. Be inspired by new ideas for redecorating your house.
55. Learn how to prepare your preschooler for success in school.
56. Check out a new or old television series.
57. Get big picture books for storytelling at home or with a group.
58. Pick up catalogs of classes at local colleges.
59. Meet an author.
60. Join a book discussion group.
61. Trek to another planet in a Sci-Fi novel.
62. Research a term paper.
63. Schedule a Library tour tailored to your group or class.
64. Open an email account.
65. Share something new with your daughter in the Mother Daughter Book Group.
66. Bring your date to a foreign film.
67. Attend a seminar about how to handle retirement money or stretch your home budget.
68. Volunteer
69. Charm your students with a book that come with a puppet.
70. Learn to touch type or master that new software program.
71. Find a new recipe.
72. Check out and listen to a picturebook/CD kit.
73. Share free online resources and databases with your students.
74. Borrow a Book Kit (10 books + a guide) for your book group.
75. Sign up the whole family for Summer Reading.
76. Bring your child to get their prizes after completing Summer Reading.
77. Take a computer class.
78. Check out the latest fashion magazine.
79. Explore your background with HeritageQuest or Ancestry Library.
80. Curl up in a comfy chair near the fireplace in winter.
81. Cool off in air-conditioned comfort on a hot summer day.
82. Get tips for using a new digital camera.
83. Read a local, national, or international newspaper.
84. Publicize a nonprofit organization on the bulletin board.
85. Find out about upcoming community and cultural events.
86. Look up the phone number for a long lost friend.
87. Enter the prize drawing for Adult Summer Reading.
88.  Pick up the Library’s print calendar of programs and events.
89. Learn how to take care of your new pet.
90. Donate your used books to the Friends of the Library.
91. Reserve (hold) books that will help you plan a vacation.
92. Keep kids entertained with audio books during car trips.
93. Study for a food handler’s permit.
94. Be notified by email when items you’ve requested arrive.
95. Use a computer designed for people with low vision.
96. Attend an annual Winter Reading party with your child.
97. Discuss issues of concern with other community members.
98. Introduce your grandchild to the Library.
99. Stay in touch with family far away through email.
100.                   Show proof of residence and get your own Library card.


Oynayarak öğrenmek – Kütüphanelerde bilgisayar oyunları http://www.goethe.de/ins/tr/lp/kul/mag/bib/tr12392691.htm

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