15 Mayıs 2020 Cuma



Bibliographers  (May Subd Geog)
Here are entered works on persons who prepare bibliographies or write about books, especially their authorship, date, typography and editions.
BT Information scientists
Bibliographers, Area specialist
USE Area specialist bibliographers
Bibliographic classification (System)
USE Bliss Bibliographic classification
Bibliographic control
USE Bibliography—Methodology
Bibliographic control of periodicals
USE Periodicals—Bibliography—Methodology
Bibliographic data in machine-readable form
USE Machine-readable bibliographic data
Bibliographic database errors
USE Cataloging errors
Bibliographic database quality
USE Machine-readable bibliographic data—Quality
Bibliographic Framework (Conceptual model)
USE BIBFRAME (Conceptual model)
Bibliographic holdings data
USE Holdings (Bibliographic data)
Bibliographic information, Exchange of
USE Exchange of bibliographic information
Bibliographic instruction
USE Library orientation
Bibliographic record errors
USE Cataloging errors
Bibliographic records on magnetic tape
USE Machine-readable bibliographic data
Bibliographical centers  (May Subd Geog)
BT Documentation
Library cooperation
Bibliographical citations
UF Bibliographical references
Citation of sources
Citations, Bibliographical
Footnotes, Bibliographical
References, Bibliographical
BT Bibliography—Methodology
NT Citation indexes
Citation of archival materials
Citation of electronic information resources
Citation of public records
Bibliographical control
USE Bibliography—Methodology
Bibliographical database errors
USE Cataloging errors
Bibliographical exhibitions
USE Books—History—Exhibitions
Bibliographical journeys
USE Literary journeys
Bibliographical libraries  (May Subd Geog)
Here are entered works on libraries which specialize in the collection of bibliographies, bibliographic information, and of related materials on bibliographic theory and methodology, book design and illustration, printing and publishing history, book collecting, etc.
BT Special libraries
Bibliographical literature  (May Subd Geog)
Here are entered works on publications of a bibliographic nature, including both bibliographies themselves as well as related materials on bibliographic theory and methodology, book design and illustration, printing and publishing history, book collecting, etc.
NT Bibliography of bibliographies
— Bibliography
UF Bibliography—Bibliography [Former heading]
Bibliographical record errors
USE Cataloging errors
Bibliographical references
USE Bibliographical citations
Bibliographical searching
USE Searching, Bibliographical
Bibliographical services  (May Subd Geog)
BT Information services
NT Library service agencies
Translating services
Bibliographical societies
USE Bibliography—Societies, etc.
Bibliography  (May Subd Geog)
Under this heading, when subdivided by place and appropriate topical subdivision, are entered Works which discuss the theories, methods, history, etc. Of the discipline of bibliography practiced within a particular region or country, e.g. Bibliography—United States--History; Bibliography--United States--
Works on the technique of compiling national bibliographies, i.e. lists of titles produced in one country, lists of titles produced in the language of one
country without regard to place of publication, lists of titles produced by citizens of one country whether residing in that country or elsewhere, or lists of titles
about one country, are entered under Bibliography, National with country subdivision, e.g. Bibliography, National--United States.
Actual lists of titles published in a particular country are entered under the name of the country with subdivision Imprints, e.g. United States--Imprints.
Actual lists of titles published in the language of one country without regard to place of publication are entered under phrase headings of the type English
Actual lists of titles about a particular country are entered under the name of the country with subdivision Bibliography, e.g. United States-- Bibliography.
UF Book lists
Lists of publications
Publication lists
BT Documentation
Information resources
RT Abstracts
Library science
SA names of literatures, e.g. American literature; and subdivision Bibliography under names of persons, places and subjects; also subdivision Bibliography—Methodology under specific subjects, e.g. Medicine--
Bibliography--Methodology; and subdivision
Bibliography  (Continued)
Imprints under names of countries, states, cities, etc.
NT Best books
Integrating resources (Publications)
Personal bibliography
Universal bibliography
— Association books
USE Association copies of books
— Autographed editions
USE Autographed editions
— Awards  (May Subd Geog)
NT Gutenberg-Preis der Stadt Mainz und der
Internationalen Gutenberg-Gesellschaft
Premio internazionale Felice Feliciano
— Best books
USE Best books
— Bibliography
USE Bibliographical literature—Bibliography
Bibliography of bibliographies
— Bilingual books
USE Bilingual books
— Books issued in series
USE Monographic series
Series (Publications)
— Children's books issued in series
USE Children's literature in series
— Early
The subdivision Bibliography--Early is used for bibliographies issued before 1800.
USE subdivision Bibliography--Early under subjects, e.g. Botany--Bibliography-- Early; English literature--Bibliography-- Early
— Early printed books
USE Early printed books
— Editions
USE Editions
— Exhibitions
USE Books—History—Exhibitions
— Fine editions
USE Fine books
— First editions
USE First editions
— Hand-printed books
USE Hand-printed books
— Library editions
USE Library editions
— Limited editions
USE Limited editions
— Lithographed books
USE Lithographed books
— Methodology
UF Bibliographic control
Bibliographical control
Bibliography—Theory, methods, etc. [Former heading]
RT Library research
SA subdivision Bibliography—Methodology under individual subjects, e.g. English literature--Bibliography--Methodology
NT Bibliographical citations
Bibliography, Critical
— Microscopic and miniature editions
USE Miniature books
— Out-of-print books
USE Out-of-print books
— Oversize editions
USE Oversize books
— Paperback editions
USE Paperbacks
— Pirated editions
USE Books—Pirated editions
— Prohibited books
USE Prohibited books
— Rare books
USE Rare books
— Reprint editions
USE Reprints (Publications)
— Societies, etc.
UF Bibliographical societies [Former heading]
— Statistical methods
USE Bibliometrics
— Theory, methods, etc.
USE Bibliography—Methodology
— Three-decker novels
USE Three-decker novels
— Union lists
USE Union catalogs
— Universal catalogs
USE Universal bibliography
— Vellum printed books
USE Vellum printed books
— Want lists
USE Books—Want lists
— United States
— — History
Bibliography, Critical  (May Subd Geog)
UF Analytical bibliography
Critical bibliography
BT Bibliography—Methodology
Criticism, Textual
Bibliography, International  (May Subd Geog)
UF Bibliography, International—Methodology
Catalogs, Universal
International bibliography
Universal catalogs
BT International librarianship
Universal bibliography
— Methodology
USE Bibliography, International
Bibliography, National  (May Subd Geog)
Here and with country subdivision are entered works on the topic of compiling national bibliographies, i.e. lists of titles produced in one country, lists of titles produced in the language of one country without regard to place of publication, lists of titles produced by citizens of one country whether residing in that country or elsewhere, or lists of titles about one country, e.g. Bibliography, National—United States.
Lists of titles published in an individual country are entered under the name of the country with subdivision Imprints, e.g. United States--Imprints.
Lists of titles published in the language of one country without regard to place of publication are entered under phrase headings of the type English
Lists of titles about an individual country are entered under the name of the country with subdivision Bibliography, e.g. United States--
Works which discuss the theories, methods, history, etc. of the discipline of bibliography practiced within a particular region or country are entered under
Bibliography subdivided by place and appropriate topical subdivision, e.g. Bibliography--United States-- History; Bibliography--United States--Methodology.
UF National bibliography
BT Book registration, National
— Great Britain
— United States
Bibliography, Official
UF Official bibliography
BT Book registration, National
Bibliography, Universal
USE Universal bibliography
Bibliography in literature  (Not Subd Geog)
Bibliography of bibliographies
UF Bibliography—Bibliography [Former heading]
BT Bibliographical literature
SA subdivision Bibliography of bibliographies
under subjects

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