2 Eylül 2024 Pazartesi

Vakumlu Paketleme


Vakumlu Paketleme



MAİL YOLLA: https://henkovac.nl/support/shelf-life-table


Toplu linkler. Toplu liste. http://tr.aliexpress.com/af/Mini-ta%2525C5%25259F%2525C4%2525B1nabilir-vakumlama-makinesi-vakum-elektrikli.html?sk=lzLc9ZO0&d=y&terminal_id=961b3e4ac3dc4650853873c0b23d887d&cpt=1569149475777&origin=n&jump=afs&aff_platform=api&SearchText=Mini+ta%25C5%259F%25C4%25B1nabilir+vakumlama+makinesi+vakum+elektrikli&aff_trace_key=7175da1dcc6f4e6ab1d1a01765530317-1569149475777-09138-lzLc9ZO0&isViewCP=y&dp=54633-5555.6042118&switch_new_app=y


Şırınga. Toplu linkler. https://www.gittigidiyor.com/arama/?k=100%20ml%20%C5%9F%C4%B1r%C4%B1nga



Toplu liste. https://www.google.com/search?q=vakumlu+torba&newwindow=1&rlz=1C1SQJL_trTR806TR806&sxsrf=ACYBGNR20-kLVZ7T7uUadNW3aAlnhdDHOg:1569153507624&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjW462rsOTkAhUoz6YKHe4bDq0Q_AUIEygC&biw=1366&bih=657#imgrc=_

Torba. Tanesi 6 tl. https://www.bitenekadar.com/vakumlu-poset-esya-saklamanin-optimum-cozumu-34212-firsat-urun


15 tl. https://urun.n11.com/okul-gerecleri/enjektor-mini-vakum-pompasi-P299831463?gclid=Cj0KCQjwt5zsBRD8ARIsAJfI4Bi27O7HAB5eNgpx6agobrv1XHg6HAFOCKCiVqDwFNbv8hgoBHHsqNwaAtviEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds

Şırınga. https://turkish.alibaba.com/g/1000cc-syringe.html

40 tl. https://etisanat.com/astar-camur-siringasi

60 tl. https://urun.gittigidiyor.com/kozmetik-kisisel-bakim/steril-enjektor-100-ml-plastik-kateter-uc-siringa-100-ml-467254788

85 tl. https://www.keyfisepet.com/gida-koruyucu-vakum-makinesi-ve-vakumlu-poset

17 dolar. https://tr.aliexpress.com/item/33037184883.html?scm=1007.22893.125781.0&pvid=c6fb7f39-2e81-4548-853a-7c4a207b45a2&onelink_thrd=0.015&onelink_page_from=ITEM_DETAIL&onelink_item_to=33037184883&onelink_duration=1.413574&onelink_status=noneresult&onelink_item_from=33037184883&onelink_page_to=ITEM_DETAIL&af=tr&cn=anycheap.click&cv=post&aff_platform=link-c-tool&cpt=1569151618725&sk=cVED7Axq&aff_trace_key=4ab40e2ecccd474583225bf64098fad2-1569151618725-03314-cVED7Axq&terminal_id=961b3e4ac3dc4650853873c0b23d887d


Fiyat:TRY155.19. https://tr.banggood.com/Mini-USB-Automatic-Vacuum-Sealer-Vacuum-Machine-Pump-Portable-Rechargeable-Vacuum-Sealer-p-1324304.html?ID=229&cur_warehouse=CN


100 tl. tükendi. https://urun.n11.com/vakumlu-torba/awes-yiyecek-gida-vakum-makinesi-cihazi-10-poset-P87488318


148 tl. https://www.fiyatgrafik.com/urun/vakumlama-makinesi-makinesi-el-elektrikli-vakum-pompasi-ev-mutfak-vakum-makinesi-hediye-5-pcs-vakum-poseti.html


25 dolar. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32670989689.html?aff_platform=promotion&cpt=1569149258884&sk=Mx8JaiSy&aff_trace_key=c3e764315a704f149e5860c248160b38-1569149258884-07450-Mx8JaiSy&terminal_id=961b3e4ac3dc4650853873c0b23d887d







“Do vacuum sealed foods need refrigeration?

Some Bacteria Don't Need Oxygen.

The key rule of thumb here is: any food that you would normally refrigerate or freeze still needs to be even if vacuum packed. This includes any food with a high moisture content or that is considered perishable i.e. meats, vegetables, fruits, dairy products, cooked foods. etc..6 Haz 2012”.


““Vakumlu mühürlü yiyeceklerin soğutmaya ihtiyacı var mı?

Bazı bakteriler oksijene ihtiyaç duymazlar.

Buradaki en önemli kural şudur: normalde soğutmak veya dondurmak istediğiniz herhangi bir yiyeceğin, vakumda doldurulmuş olsa bile olması gerekir". Bu, nem içeriği yüksek olan veya et, sebze, meyve, süt ürünleri, pişmiş yiyecekler gibi bozulabilir kabul edilen yiyecekleri içerir. vb. 6 Haz 2012”. https://henkovac.nl/support/shelf-life-table



Kept in a refrigerator


vacuum packaged

Cooked food

2 days

10 days

Fresh meat

2 days

6 days


2 days

6 days

Cooked meat

4-5 days

8-10 days

Fresh fish 

2 days

4-5 days

Cut meat, sandwich  

3 days

6-8 days

Smoked meat-sausage

90 days

365 days

Dutch cheese

12-15 days

50-55 days

French cheese

5-7 daysn

13-15 days

Fresh vegetables

5 days

18-20 days

Fresh herbs

2-3 days

7-14 days


3 days

6-8 days

Fresh fruit

3-7 days

8-20 days


5 days

10-15 days




Kept at room temperature


vacuum packaged

Bread, rolls

2-3 days

7-8 days


120 days

300 days

Dried food

10-30 days

30-90 days

Not cooked noodles

180 days

365 days

Coffee, tea                 

30-60 days

365 days


2-3 days

20-25 days

Non alcoholic after opening

2-3 days

7-10 days

Baked products

2-3 days

7-10 days


30-60 days

120-180 days

Chips, snacks

5-10 days

20-30 days




Kept in a freezer (-18C)


Onder vucuum

Fresh meat

6 months

18 months

Minced meat

4 months

12 months


6 months

18 months

Fresh fish 

6 months

18 months

Fresh vegetables

8 months

24 months


8 months

24 months


6-10 months

18-30 months


6-10 months

18-30 months

Cut meat, sandwich

2 months

4-6 months

Baked products

6-12 months

18 months

Coffee beans

6-9 months

18-27 months

Ground coffee

6 months

12-34 months

Bread, rolls

6-12 months

18-36 months




All values are only an indication of possible shelf life extension. Because of the many variables of the food substances and processing conditions no rights or claims may de derived from this information.


·         Vegetables, clean very well under water.

·         Cucumbers and courgettes contain a lot of moisture and cannot be vacuum packed.

·         Herbs with a high oil content like thyme, mint or rosemary can best be vacuum packed in dried condition.

·         Herbs like basil, tarragon, dill, parsley and chives can be best frozen first and dried to prevent loss of aromatic flavors.

·         Soft mushrooms will turn mushy. Mushrooms can better be washed, cut, dried and frozen before vacuum packaging. During preparations don´t defrost the mushrooms but use directly in the cooking process







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